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About is an online tool that allows you to directly sync Google docs with Dropbox. This makes it particularly easy to share work documents with other people, such as co-workers, friends, and family. Because Dropbox and Google docs sync, you can take advantage of the collaboration features already offered by Google documents, such as collaborating with other people on a spreadsheet or a collaborative essay and then share different versions of your product with others by using Dropbox. doesn't just stop there, it allows you to sync Dropbox and Google Docs right from your desktop with an easy-to-use application.

This allows you to promote a better work flow for both yourself and colleagues. You can make your rough drafts of a document on your desktop, then sync Google Docs with Dropbox and then start the collaboration process. If your work is aimed at impressing clients, or tailoring a draft with your team to a client's needs, you simply sync Dropbox with Google docs and send the Dropbox link out where you need.

Another advantage of the ability to have Dropbox and Google Docs sync is that you maintain the simplicity of sharing files with Windows, Mac, Linux, iPad, iPhone, Android, and Blackberry platforms. All this with the security that your file will always be there when you need it from Dropbox, whilst maintaining the ability to use the professional features of Google Docs, such as Google presentations, comments, and open functionality.

By just using to sync Dropbox and Google Docs, you can acquire the best of both worlds and make collaboration that much easier.

But if you're not into collaboration, you can still take advantage of the syncing functionality. You can start work on a work station or a library computer, sync Google Docs with Dropbox using, and then take your work back with you to complete before backing it up on two reliable platforms to save just in case something happens.

So with all that being said, be sure to use in order to keep your work productive and secure by using it to have Dropbox and Google Docs sync.


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